Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back to the Big B

In Norway,  not long after Christmas break we get another break; winter break. I find this really nice, it helps break of the school year a bit. Winter break this year was the last week of February, so where other to go than Thailand. Like I said in my previous post, Norwegian winter is great, but who wouldn't want a little break on the beach. I sure did. Plus I got to see my parents (I hadn't seen them since August). Longest time I have been away from my family before. I wasn't home sick, but still one usually tends to miss is family some when gone for so long.

Our plan was that I flew into Bangkok, then the same day fly to Phuket. Phuket is about a two hour plane ride south of Bangkok. Many of the classical pictures of long boats, giant psedo-islands that seem to be floating in the ocean lingering in the ocean, and gloriously long beaches with the distance sunset in the background. Ok enough about that. I am feeling a little lazy with my writing, lack of sleep is getting to me right now. That is what I get for staying up so late this week. But here is some wonderful pictures to help build an image of my trip.

Also, while coming back to Norway my flight got delayed five hours in Bangkok. So in effect to this I had to stay over night in Finland. That was an experience. I got my own hotel room (for free). Then flew out in the morning. Now I can say I have been to all of the Scandinavia countries besides Sweden (Ironic, right!).

The first meal back in Thailand, very traditional Burger King??

This is Phuket, coolio. 

Remember what I said about beaches and sunsets. There you go. 

I know, I know... A little too much skin for some of you out there. But once you get your eyes of my bod, you see the traditional thai boat and blue waters.
I just simply like this picture. This was outside a huge mall. It is all special and decorated because it was Chinese New Year a few weeks earlier.
The Family if Pearce was never born... No no just kidding, he was at school. We took other pictures, but the ones were it was all four of us, I look like I am on drugs, so I like when I look slightly normal.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Life So Far...

Wow, I have not wrote anything in here for quite some time now. Much has happened with my life during my blogging absence. First, my further education plans have been changed drastically. My original plans were to apply to school in both Denmark and Norway for studying media. But a few months ago I had a new idea. 

Choosing a major is very difficult decision. For the past few years I have struggled with what I want to be in the future. Most children always dream up typical careers for themselves, but I was slightly different. Though, Bill Nye the science guys job didn`t seem so bad, mixing random chemicals together. But, come on, who doesn`t want to be a mad scientist. Becoming a mad scientist is a very relevant career path today's, especially with my understand of chemistry and biology. Last year I took some media classes and did very well (just graphic design and a films class). Media didn`t seem like a horrible idea for me to study. It was relevant, new, and ever changing. I could be something along the lines of a photographer for movies, film director or just something that the normal public doesn`t hear about. The possibilities seemed endless, but there comes the fateful question. Is this something I would actually want to do? 

After carefully mulling over this possible future career option, I decided that it wouldn`t be the best for me. So then what? I actually feel ridiculous for not considering the major I am now pressuring. Something that I have enjoyed for the most part of my life: literature. Ever since I learned to read I have devoured literary works and absolutely enjoyed them. How couldn`t I have thought about this before! The whole point of choosing a good major is to do something that you love. I know it sounds nerdy, but really, if you aren't a nerd about your major, you probably shouldn`t be doing it. 

So now began the search of Universities with good English programs, but where to find them. Now it wasn`t relevant for me to apply to Norway or Denmark. I want to go to a country where English is the mother tongue. So I had my options; the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Well I didn`t want to go to the States because I really love Europe. Ok, well actually the cuts out all my options besides one. Ding ding! The UK is the winner. I know, I will stop drowning who ever is reading this in cheesiness. But yes, I chose to go to school in the UK. Somewhere in England, Scotland, or Wales. Sorry Northern Ireland, I just didn`t find any schools up there. So I did my research and found many Universities that had an English literature program. The difficult was narrowing it down to which ones to apply to. 

First I should explain the application process in the United Kingdom. You only do one application and send it to this website called UCAS. Which is extremely nice! In the States we have to apply to universities and colleges individually. All I had to do for UCAS was send in my transcripts, a reference letter, write one page personal statement (without fluff, I guess the Brits don`t like hearing about it as much as Americans) and presto, that is it! This didn`t take me a long time, because like a good boy scout, I am prepared for most situations. Though, you can only apply to five different universities. So I couldn`t apply to every university that had a decent English literature program.

Ok, back to my narrowing down process, some how I need narrow down the Universities to five. I didn`t know how to start narrowing down, so I created a point system. Different points were given to universities if they met my certain requirements. The points systems goes:
2 points if the school was built before the 1900s: (I really wanted a old university, with that cool Hogwarts look, I mean why not? Heck, it is England, most of their buildings are older than America. It is awesome)
1 point good location: Not so far from the center of England (though this ended up becoming irrelevant, most of my universities that I wanted were hugging the coast of the UK).
1 Point if the English program sounds good: Many have a good program, so I had to make sure to find really good programs
1 Point for Creative writing: I am thinking that a combination of English literature and creative writing would be good.
1 Point rural location: After living in Bangkok, I am not really sure I like super big cities. Not like London is similar to Bangkok, but still. I think I prefer a smaller setting. Not extremely small, just a comfortable environment. 

This eventually narrowed it down to five universities (of course). Top winner and descending: Durham university (Northern England) , Aberdeen (Scotland), Lancaster (England, by Manchester), Aberystwyth (Wales eastern coast), and finally Essex (Near London).

Currently, I have been accepted to Aberystwyth and Essex. I am just waiting on the other three. I am really hoping I get into Durham. It is an extraordinary University. But it is very difficult to get into. Many people whole apply for Oxford also apply to Durham. So I have my fingers crossed! 

Seeing as it my top choice university. I planned a trip to England. Because I felt like it would be good to get an idea if I would even like living and going to school in the UK. Me and a good Norwegian friend went in the beginning of February. 

Let me tell you this, it was love at first sight…. Well actually not so drastic. But right as I got of the plane I felt temperatures that shouldn`t have been felt until April! It was amazing. We were coming from a cold week from Norwegian winter to what it would seem like a spring day, it even rained while we were there!. I shouldn't complain about winter in Norway, it is much milder than Minnesotan winter. But I still enjoyed no snow and temperatures were you hardly needed to wear a coat. 

We flew into Newcastle (Northern England) so we could visit Durham University and the University of Newcastle. Once we got to the airport we found the train station so we could ride into Newcastle centrum. From there we went in search of a place to sleep for the next two nights. To makes things easier we just went to the tourist information center to find information and directions of possible hotels or hostels. Though it was a little adventure finding the tourist information center. We got directions to where it was, but nothing to specific. We knew the general location, but that doesn't really help in a big city. We asked some people and just got closer and closer until we eventually found it.  Probably after little over an hour. Then we proceeded to look for the hotels and hostels that we were directed too. We went to the hostel first, but it was quickly dubbed sketchy. It was just kind of strange. You could just walk in, you had to ring this doorbell, then someone would come to the door. I tried to ring it about 10 times, but no one came to the door. So we just moved on. Then we trekked to another variety of hotels around the general area. We were trying to find the cheapest. Ironically the one we eventually checked into was the nicest look and cheapest. Plus it was next door to the train station, so we didn't have to walk far when we went to our next destination. 

The rest of the evening we too it easy. We walked a bit more around the centrum and got familiar with the city. I found quite the treasures that night. I found LUCKY CHARMS and some Bert's Bees Chapstick (again, I sound a little crazy, but I just like that one better than the Norwegian kind). So naturally I feasted on Lucky Charms that night. Though I key point I learned that night, after having a glass of wine..... wait at least one hour before eating Lucky Charms (just like the eating and swimming). I swear it was enough time, but obviously not. A complete horrid combination. Not suggested.

Anyways, the next day we too the train to Durham to visit the University. It took about 15-20 minutes (I don't remember exactly). We got there about an hour early just in case we couldn't find the University right away. We had zero problems with that. The train station was set on a hill above the medieval set town called Durham. I usually don't say this, but the city was absolutely charming. In the distance the sun was rising behind castle like buildings, which were clearly recognizable as part of Durham university. Are path was very clear, just walk towards the illuminated buildings. Walking up to University was again an experience. I loved it. Once getting closer to the castle you were surrounded by tightly packed buildings on cobble stone streets the simply twisted randomly without order. Once you get to the university we find where we are supposed to met the people with our appointment and proceed with them. I won't say more, I could rant about Durham for rather long time, so I will just say one more thing. I learned that some of Harry Potter was filmed at Durham. This definitely screamed to my inner Potter fan.  

After being stunned by Durham we returned to Newcastle. We had to stay one more night because the next day we were visiting University of Newcastle. I actually didn't visit the University, but my friend that came with came with did. So I just did some exploring. Oh, I forgot to tell you about our clubbing experience in Newcastle... Well, I suppose just "club" would be more proper. After going to american themed restaurant, we just casually went in search of some club we could go to with our age range. As we walked around we found many pubs, though they were filled with people older at least fifteen years older than us. In due course a club was found, called Digital. It was pretty snazzy with a good atmosphere and actually people in our age range, plus drinks a frugal person would be proud of. I had two highlights of the night. First was meeting this random guy who had his friend who is a girl teach me about confidence when talking to girls. Cause you know, when ever you go out, it is obviously all about getting girls and nothing else (if you are bad a detecting sarcasm, this wont make sense). Anyways, this girl taught me that you should always compliment a girl on her eyes and never, I repeat never look at her chest area whilst talking to her. The cherry up top of this ice cream was when every I saw her through out the night, she would always double check I remember. The second highlight was meeting this girl called Victoria. She was super awesome. Somehow it seemed that she knew everyone that was in the club. So we just nonchalantly moved with the crowd through out the club and I was introduced as the American and quickly became familiar with people slightly. But it was nice a very nice night. After the club closed around 3 am or something close it seemed to be tradition to go to this extremely small restaurant open at this ungodly hour. It was a placed that reminded of KFC. We didn't get anything but it seemed like everyone has some sort of munches syndrome with the kitchen. But yes, that was our exciting last night in Newcastle. Next day to Edinburgh, capital of Scotland!

Late the next day (which was friday) we took a train to Edinburgh, which was about one and half hours north of Newcastle. The reason we went to Edinburgh was because when we flew home we could land in an airport closer to where we lived. 

Again, I was even more enchanted my Edinburgh. After we got off the train we went to our hotel. We planned ahead this time and booked it before coming to the city. Slightly smarter than wondering around a city. I even liked Edinburgh better because it had much more of a medieval atmosphere about it. Just behind our hotel was the old main street that also acted as the old centrum. It was cobbled stoned, but much more spread out than the streets of Durham. Though it was also followed by ancient shops and boutiques. The best thing was once you walked to the left and went all the way up the hill you found Edinburgh Castle! When we first got there it was night, so the castle was lit with glowing lights. Yes, I know must of looked stunning. It did.

The next morning I decided to take a little trip to the famous cafe, The Elephant house. For those of you know don't why this is famous, you're about to become very jealous. The Elephant house is where J.K Rowling wrote some of first chapter in Harry Potter and the Soccer's Stone. It was surreal sitting in the same place where she sat and often came too. I had breakfast and tea here. You can obviously see where she received inspiration for Hogwarts and possibly other settings in the books. Outside the window I sat next to lay Edinburgh castle hanging over its steep cliffside. It was just amazing, I mean this was part of the birth place of Harry Potter! Regardless this made my day. 

Through out the day we explored Edinburgh, I went to the castle! Though this was probably the only disappointing thing about the trip. The outside of the castle was breath taking. But sorry the inside was boring. It was mostly one giant war memorial. That was interesting, but I preferred a tad bit mer older history. I have this thing were most history before the 1600s bores me and most of the history was after that time, so I wasn't a happy camper. Plus it was fourteen pounds to get in! That is about twenty-two american dollars. But anyways that didn't stop me from having a good night!

One thing I forgot to mention was the graveyards! I found most of them very interesting. I know creepy. But is cool when the graves are older than your own country.

Ok, another thing that I loved where the alleyways. They were packed tightly and completely hectic. Though you have to pass carefully at night. The street lamps didn't pierce it dark corners. So be wary, excepted cannibalistic hobos or vampires linger within. 

The night before my friend Benjamin found a totally awesome club called "Sin". No, it is not a strip club if your mind wandered. It was similar to the club in Newcastle, just slightly better. The music was a bit more of me and it was cool once you got inside. The rest of the night was filled with one random New Zealander who liked sheep (no surprise there, I mean I think there is more sheep in New Zealand than people), two Scottish girls who were awesome (one even guessed we were from the Falkland island, who knew that other people knew about them!), and finally some random Canadian in a gang of costume people that would be expected in a circus. All good fun. After our escapades we returned to our hotel to turn in for the night. 

The next morning we had to go back to cold Norway. It was nice to get back home, but I still miss England. 

After that, two weeks later I went to Thailand to visit the family. It was nice to go home (or sort of home, it was sort of my first time being the house that my parents live in with all our stuff in it). It was nice. The first day we got there, we flew directly to Phuket (southern Thailand, where most of the pictures of Thailand come from). We spent the weekend there and then trekked back to home-sweet-home Bangkok. The next week I spent hanging with the family, playing xbox, going to the doctor (very nervous making in Thailand), dentist (again nervous-making), got two suits made for me (causal and formal), and had a overall great time. I hope to go back soon. 

Well that very much catches you up with my life at the moment. I have a little more free time now. So I will try and blog at least once a week. It is good practice to get me in a writing mood again. 


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ok you guys, American Cereal isn`t that bad for you...

Well, it has been quite a while since I last wrote on here. So I will give the weekly update.... well, more of monthly update ha ha. Nothing too exciting is has happened. It`s getting close to Christmas, so the christmas mood is joyfully playing around the Norwegian culture. Christmas, like most things in Norway  is different than the US. Usually the Norwegians eat quite healthy, but during December they go more on a slippery slope.. :P. Eating delicious deserts and drinking an extremely yummy (and sugary) drink called Julebrus. Not really sure how to describe it, but the drink is red and I guess it has a slightly strawberry or cherry taste, it doesn`t taste like just one thing. Then they have special alcohol specially made just for christmas. So far I have just hear of stuff called Christmas beer. I tried it, but it doesn`t taste any different than normal beer in my opinion. Another different thing from American Christmas to Norwegian Christmas is the day when everyone opens presents. Almost everyone in the states open their presents on the 25th, but here in Norway people open their presents on the 24th. Not so different, I mean it will be nice to have a separate day between Christmas and my birthday. For those of you who don`t know I am turning 19 on the 26th of this month. I know, I know I am almost ancient now ha ha :P But really. I expect my birthday shouldn`t be too different from the rest of my previous birthdays, even if I am living in a different place ha ha. The thats what happens when you are born so close to Christmas ha ha. But it will be nice, a few days after my birthday I get to go to Denmark to visit Nicolai :D So, of course I am super excited for that. It will be fun place for New Years :D. Ok finally to my title of this post. I recently got a package of my favorite american foods from my grandparents. Naturally my favorite american food is Cereal and pop tarts, Lucky Charms, Apple Jacks, and of course the best Cherry Pop tarts. I got this package during school so I had to bring it with me around, but I didn`t mind. I enjoyed showing off my american treasures. Though the Norwegian didn`t react the way that I would usually except... They showed disgust... I mean how is that possible! Pop Tarts is like the God of all food. The delicious ecstasy of the jell filled inside and wonder, what ever is on top of the pop tart, is sooooo god. I mean yes, it might not be the most healthy for you. But it doesn`t mean you have to eat it everyday (didn`t stop me). Even with the cereal they were quite skeptical about it! I mean how does Lucky Charms not sound good, they have LUCKY in the name! I understand a little more with Apple Jacks, it is very confusing. I mean the titles really doesn`t make sense. Are you eating Jack`s Apples? Well that is a obvious lie, because they dont even taste like apples? But nonetheless, all three of those thing a yummy and amazing mixed into one bite of heaven. (I know you are probably thinking, "Wait, how aren`t you fat? my response would be "magic, duh?" but seriously I dont really know). I don`t have anything to criticize about Norway, but I do have to say they have really, really good candy and deserts, but they lack normal sugar food. I mean walking down the cereal aisle in the the grocery store is depressing. The most adventurous they get is Choco puffs (and those are gross anyways.. :P i dont like them at least). But really, Norway. I know you want to keep your people healthy, but a little pop tarts wont kill people. Well...... at least for a while... :P

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. It nice knowing people enjoy reading my blog. I almost have 1000 views! That is crazy for me at least. Thanks guys :D

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Luke, I am your father".... :P

I think the Norwegians have been keeping a dark secret from me. A secret that is only revealed when their guard has been left down... This secret......DA DA actually quit funny. The secret regards my name. Well, not my actual name (Lucas is my birth name for those of you that don`t know that).. but anyways. I was at this party last weekend and for some reason all the Norwegians realized that I happened to share the same name with a certain stars wars character.. Yeah I sure you guess it right away from the title of this post. "yeah totally, its Darth Vader, right?" ummm... No, actually Luke Skywalker. Just kidding. But really, apparently that is what most Norwegians relate my name to once they hear it. I can`t tell you how many times I heard was "Luke, I am your father".... and I was just like "hey you know what f-U buddy" ha ha. Just kidding. I thought it was funny. People haven`t associated my name with Luke Skywalker since I was like four. So its cool I like it, I mean Luke Skywalker is pretty awesome... Of course besides being a little strange like making out with is sister and acting like a wimp after his hand has been cut off and he learned his father is Darth Vader.. I mean really, getting your hand cut off isn`t really that bad and crying that your dad just cut your hand of and is a super evil guy of the universe, no. big. deal. But I will accept being called Skywalker on special occasions :p. But it made me wonder: Do most of the Norwegians I meet think of Luke Skywalker the first time they hear my name? Comment on my blog or facebook me, I would really like to know.

Thanks for reading :D


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Norwegians are not at the least shallow.

Yesterday I had a realizing revelation about the Norwegian people. I was having this interesting conversation about religion. Its very common that Norwegians aren`t religious or just simply atheist. One very different thing from America. Some people would think that with no religious ties, people would not care about the afterlife or spirituality. But in all truth these people are extremely deep. I know I will probably get grief from saying this, but Norwegian teenagers have a quality that in my opinion is very important. They actually question the world and its workings. Not that blind faith is wrong. It is the key to all religions. But it is truly intriguing how Norwegians view the world and spirituality.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Copenhagen-The LAS VEGAS of Europe :P

Well, its been quite awhile since I updated my blog. So heres an update on whats been happening. Last week I had fall break. I spent it in Denmark visiting my best friend Nicolai. It was awesome:D Copenhagen was great. Although, another week would have been nice of course ha ha. After walking around ravaging the cheaper clothes than Norway I noticed something funny. After about around 3.00 p.m about 80% of the people are walking around with beers in the streets. This is so different from Norway, well and of course Minnesota. But this really reminded me of Las Vegas and from what I hear, you can find a party every night.

After the break, the horrible illness that every student fears set in...again.. Senioritis! Except I guess it would be call Russitis here ha ha. (Russ is what the "seniors" in Norway are called). I am definitely at the point in my life where I feel ready for university or college. I mean school is good now. But still feel like college now too ha ha. So I am waiting for senioritis to pass again. But I have started my search for universities again. But this time its in Norway and Denmark now. A few days again I was only set on Norway, but now I have began researching some school in Denmark too. Although its hard deciding on what I want to study. I have made a list: Architecture or Design, English, Media studies or anthropology. It is really hard deciding, but I think I really am going to work towards something to do withy Design or architecture. Who knows what the future brings. But wish me luck!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Just some Pictures :P

I just thought I would upload some pictures of Norway and stuff. 

 Norwegian Royal Palace

Verdens Ende (The world`s end) 

 My School 


Tønsberg, Great City :D

Restaurants and Clubs (Definitely fun times here ;P)